20 июня 2013, Экзопланеты Администратор
Депутаты Партии регионов бросили Раду на произвол оппозиции
39411 просмотров
Голосов: 1
You can easily add beautiful Highslide galleries in WordPress using the native WordPress Upload/Insert Image function. You don’t need to install any third-party gallery plugin. All you need, besides WordPress, is the possibility to upload and store the Highslide files and folders to your server. Highslide JS is not a common WordPress plugin, so you need to upload the files manually using a FTP client. Read more in Hilde's tutorial at
You can easily add beautiful Highslide galleries in WordPress using the native WordPress Upload/Insert Image function. You don’t need to install any third-party gallery plugin. All you need, besides WordPress, is the possibility to upload and store the Highslide files and folders to your server. Highslide JS is not a common WordPress plugin, so you need to upload the files manually using a FTP client. Read more in Hilde's tutorial at
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